About Me


About Me

Hi, guys! My name is LaDana Brown and I am the shop owner, designer and creative mind behind Hood Raised & Jesus Saved™️. I am a Wife to an awesome man whom God took the time to shape and mold just perfectly for me. We have a blended crew of three children; all three constantly keep me on my toes. I am Hood Raised & Jesus Saved. Some may ask “what does that mean? Simple! I am a chick from the hood whom God’s blood and grace is saving. I am a total God's girl! I love, honor and serve him with my life; flaws and all!

My Story:

Full transparency, I was not raised in the church and had no examples of Christian living. I only ended up in church because I was looking for a young lady whom I’d intended to fight. In my pursuit of her I was caught at the alter by a missionary who introduced me to Christ and instead of me leaving my hand prints all over that young lady, Christ laid His hands on me! Now looking back, all I can say is “but… Grace”. It is not always easy to make the choice to walk in light. In fact, it is a whole lot easier to pop-off. However, it’s in those moments that I am reminded that God did not call me to fight. He called me to be a beacon of light to help others.


Uniting Kingdom & Culture through Style for Purpose.


We create dope products that provide humor, inspiration and reflection. We use our resources to uplift, build and connect with our community. To be a light that points to Christ.

Stay connected

What God is doing with HR& is completely in His control, and I have totally surrendered to it. I invite you to come along with me on this journey. I am so looking forward to connecting with you through Hood Raised & Jesus Saved™️ My prayer is that you are inspired to see Christ in everything I create. I deeply appreciate you for connecting and following along with me. 


